I'm Nadine, and I am the one who knows how to listen and how to encourage proactive and ambitious ones who desire to set and achieve new goals in their demanding lives. I’m a care and resilience coach for caring yet feeling overwhelmed ones who aim to better connect and support themselves and those who are challenged.
Living with limited ability due to predicament is not only confronting and backbreaking for those going through it, it’s also difficult for all of those around them. Life around disability, life with disability is still life which You can make the most of.
I started my coaching journey with a particular goal in mind: to help people living with and around disability find new ways to happiness in their relationships, their work and life. To discover their true potential by getting support to optimise their partnership and achieve their goals in a highly challenging environment. To broaden their perspectives by being heard and seen on their daily journey doing their best.
More than 10 years spent in the care field combined with my personal experience and deep interest in exploring self-support and encouragement gave me a passion for helping others to focus, reset and fulfil their lives using verbally transmitted care and resilience. And as ACC, or Associate Certified Coach, I practice highly professional and competent approach in my coaching sessions.
Being heard is as close to love as there is almost no difference noticeable – let me hear You and make you proud of Your Journey. Because I Do Care.
The American Psychological Association offers these 10 ways to build resilience:
Each of these ways requires a brave decision and continuous effort and I as Your Coach can provide You the necessary support in finding your own motivation and inspiration for that. Because I Do Care. Why? Because relating to someone´s small and big victories on their way to a better life makes me very happy.
Serenity Prayer:
Lord, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, give me the courage to change the things I can change and the wisdom to distinguish the one from another!